Monday, March 14, 2011

Cathedral - - LifeLessons

An important life lesson I've learned was the importance of patience. I would describe myself to be slightly short-tempered--I do find some people with a shorter fuse than mine. I don't think I'm very short-tempered to where every little thing gets on my nerves, but I do find myself pretty annoyed with certain things like when people don't behave properly. If I see a little kid throwing a tantrum in a restaurant and their parents don't do anything about it I get pretty annoyed. I've tried to better myself to be more patient and let some things go, but I've learned to be, if possible, the "better person." If someone treats me badly, I keep telling myself that it'll be ok because if you do wrong yourself, you are also a bad person.

A lesson I've learned with my fiance is learning how to be a patient adult when we have problems. I used to shout back a lot and say whatever I wanted, but lately I've learned to be more patient and let things fold together. You would not get anywhere if the two of you are always shouting back at one another. I've learn to not get so angry when I get treated badly because I believe in doing good, so good will return to you. Being patient with others could also help them be more patient with you and other people. Not retorting something back in an argument says more than all the fuss and shouting. An important life lesson of being a good person has opened my eyes.I believe people should do good, at least so there will be less bad people in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I teach elementary school PE and being patient is a must have attribute. I'm not a very patient person myself but for the sake of the kids I push myself beyond my own limits. That's great that you and your fiancée are already working on building a trusting relationship.
