Thursday, March 3, 2011


A Rose For Emily

I really thought this story was interesting because I liked the weird and surprising ending. I thought the smell of the house was from it getting old and she was an old woman and didn't get around to cleaning it up much. I kind of felt bad for Miss Emily and how she was lonely because of the way she was raised. I guess having been under such tight restrictions with her father, she never had the chance to experience a variety of emotions and adventures a young girl, teenager, or woman could experience in a lifetime. This, I believe, just turned her into a bitter old woman. It's a shame she couldn't marry Homer, because if they did get marry, maybe her life would turn around and she could be happy. I know she loved him, but her killing him and keeping his corpse in her room on a bed with wedding stuff is super creepy. I know, Love is Love, but I guess she really loved him there. It's weird how the Negro didn't say anything, I mean, he must have known about it, but then again, what could he do? I really wish I could find out the perspective of the Negro, because then it will give us an insight, being a close party of Miss Emily, and we could find out more information about her interesting life.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, maybe he respected her and was loyal to her, that's why he didn't talk to the outsiders even when she was still alive. Maybe he was like a part of the family.
